Applying the EU ratio of total to actual mobile broadband subscriptions to the world total results in a guesstimate of 217 million mobile broadband subscriptions in mid-2009, just less than half of total fixed subscriptions.

The OECD has recently issued a methodological document with recommendations for the definitions of mobile broadband. It defines active mobile broadband subscriptions as “…voice subscriptions which also provide access to the larger Internet via HTTP at advertised speeds of at least 256 kbit/s and which have been used to make an Internet data connection using Internet Protocol (IP) in the previous three months” or “…dedicated data subscriptions on mobile networks advertising speeds of at least 256 kbit/s which are purchased separately from voice services either as a stand-alone service (modem/dongle) or as an add-on data package to a voice service requiring an additional subscription.”[5]
[1] GSMA Association. October 19, 2009. "Market Data Summary [Q2 2009]." GSM World. [Accessed 1 April 2010]
[2] Fiona Vanier. September 2009. World Broadband Statistics: Q2 2009. Point Topic: London.
[3] European Commission. 18 November 2009. Broadband access in the EU: situation at 1 July 2009.
[4] Federal Communications Commission. 2010. High-Speed Services for Internet Access: Status as of December 31, 2008.
[5] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. March 18, 2010. Wireless Broadband Indicator Methodology.
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